About the Organization
Founded in 1991, the Survival Research Institute of Canada was incorporated under the Canada Corporations Act by letters patent issued 24 May 2000.
The operations of the Corporation may be carried on throughout Canada and elsewhere; the head office is located in Victoria, British Columbia.
Our charitable organization number is: 87138 7536 RR0001.
Our directorship consists of two university-educated public servants, an archives and records management consultant, a college professor, and an office manager. All directors have extensive knowledge and experience of the subject area; several have published and lectured in the field of spirit survival research.
Current Activities
Since 1991, SRIC directors have:
- conducted research for a history of Spiritualism and psychical research in Canada
- published an entry on an early Canadian psychical researcher in the Dictionary of Canadian Biography
- been the subject of a VISION TV documentary
- been interviewed on spirit survival research by CTV National News
- hosted public presentations by distinguished visitors
- participated in experiments related to evidence of spirit survival
- given public and academic lectures in Winnipeg, Toronto, Philadelphia and New York, on research experiments conducted by T. Glen Hamilton (a medical doctor) and other prominent citizens of Winnipeg, Manitoba during the 1920s and 1930s
- acquired and catalogued a library of publications on life after death, Spiritualism and psychical research
- acquired and catalogued archival records related to these academic fields
- published six editions of the Directory of Spiritualist Organizations in Canada
The objects of the Corporation are:
- to pursue and promote studies in the field of survival research which is investigation into whether some part of human consciousness or personality, commonly referred to as “spirit”, survives physical death and whether that spirit is able to communicate with living individuals
- to publish and make available to the public reports of such research findings
- to organize and sponsor educational opportunities on topics relevant to survival research through lectures, discussion groups, and demonstrations of mediumship
- to liaise and cooperate with other survival researchers
- to study definitions of death, cross-cultural attitudes towards death and life after death, theories of survival, and related phenomena and practices
- to conduct or participate in historical studies of spiritualism and psychical research in Canada
- to develop, conduct or participate in scientific experiments to determine whether evidence providing proof of survival is possible, such as pre-arranged dictionary, combination and other tests designed to identify a specific post-mortem communicator
- to document accounts, anecdotes, and reminiscences of death-bed visions, near-death experiences, spontaneous apparitions, post-mortem spirit communications via mediumship, and other phenomena suggestive of a continued existence of some aspect of the human personality after physical death
- to establish and maintain a library of publications relevant to survival research, including books on life after death, spiritualism, psychical research, comparative religion, and other related topics
- to facilitate the transfer of documentation relating to survival research and related studies to an appropriate archival repository or, when necessary, to safeguard such records until arrangements can be made for an appropriate repository
- to create and publish research aids relevant to survival research, including bibliographies, directories, and other access tools
- to obtain and disburse funding to carry out the objects of the Corporation.
Contact Us
We can be reached by email at info@survivalresearch.ca
To be added to our contact list for occasional mailings including updated information about spirit survival research, please send us an email. Please let us know if you would also like to be included in a separate mailing list for notification of Victoria-based public events.
Our mailing address is:
Survival Research Institute of Canada
PO Box 8697
Victoria, BC V8W 3S3