The Survival Research Institute of Canada is a registered charitable organization incorporated within Canada for the purpose of researching survival of the human personality after death. Our charitable registration number, assigned by the Canada Revenue Agency, is 87138 7536 RR0001.
All financial contributions, no matter how small or large, are appreciated and provide a valuable contribution to our work! If you have taxable income in Canada, your charitable donation may also give you a tax benefit.
If you find the information on this website useful, please consider making a financial contribution towards the ongoing administrative and other costs associated with our research. Method of Payment explains the ways that we are able to accept donations, including e-transfers.
An official receipt for income tax purposes within Canada will be issued for each charitable donation of $10 or more.
Your donations will be used to advance education in the field of survival research.
If you have any books or documents relating to life after death, Spiritualism or psychical research, please contact us to find out if your gift in kind is eligible for a tax receipt.
As a volunteer organization with donated office space and equipment, all of your donation will go to survival research activities. Your support is much appreciated and vital to the growth of our programs.
Method Of Payment
For those with an account with a Canadian financial institution, e-transfers to are welcomed.
For those outside of Canada, or if you prefer, you may send a cheque, money order, or bank draft payable to the Survival Research Institute of Canada.
Our financial institution will accept personal or corporate cheques written in US dollars, British pounds, Euros, Australian dollars, Yen and other major currencies.
To avoid the high cost of foreign bank drafts, please consult with your financial institution to confirm that you will NOT incur high bank charges by writing a personal cheque for the equivalent amount in your own currency.
Please mail all payments to our mailing address:
Survival Research Institute of Canada
Post Office Box 8697
Victoria, British Columbia V8W 3S3 CANADA
NOTE: Unless you specify “air mail,” all international orders will be shipped by the least expensive means, usually the surface rate for printed papers.